Recover Stronger with Invigorate Online Programs

Our online programs are designed to support your recovery from injury with guidance from our experienced practitioners, tailored exercises and structured progressions. Whether you’re rehabbing a specific condition or rebuilding strength, you’ll have the tools you need to move better and feel your best – anytime, anywhere.

Paid Programs

Plantar Faciitis Program

Heel pain holding you back? It doesn’t have to. Our Plantar Fasciitis Program is designed to help you move comfortably, stay active, and prevent recurring pain. With the right targeted strength program, you can manage pain, rebuild strength, and get back to doing what you love.

Free Programs

Invigorate Health & Performance - Injury Prevention Program

Injury Prevention Program

To help you reduce your chance of injury and stay pain free, we wanted to introduce the Invigorate Injury Prevention Program! A program that aims to warm up the body whilst also increasing performance readiness through sport-specific plyometric and strength exercises.

Kids Injury Prevention Program

Our kids injury prevention program is targeted towards our youth athletes between the ages of 6 and 14, with the focus primarily on balance and coordination, general strength of both the upper and lower limbs, and core.

Cricket Warm-Up Routine

Our routine is designed to target the muscles and joints most engaged in cricket. It combines dynamic stretching and sport-specific movements to increase muscle flexibility, boost blood flow and circulation, enhance focus and mental readiness.