Harmony Pillow

If you’re waking up with neck pain or feeling like you’ve “slept wrong”, we might ask you to tell us about your pillow. Weird question, right?

Here’s why; your pillow determines what angle your neck rests at and subsequently the alignment of your posture for the duration of your sleep. Imagine bending your head to the side for 8 hours, your neck  and back would definitely hurt!


Our clinicians use contoured Harmony Pillows in their treatment rooms (and at home) to cup and support the neck during sleep. The Harmony Pillow is made from premium memory foam, with a removable insert to adjust the height correctly for your neck. The medium-firm support is ideal for side and back sleepers and promotes proper sleep posture – no more neck pain!

Sleep is a crucial part of your recovery journey, and a good pillow is the first step. Booking in your treatment is the next step.

Want to know more about causes of neck pain? Read about it on our blog.



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