Invigorate Magnesium Bath Soak

When you’re trying to improve magnesium levels, enhance your recovery and relieve muscle tension, what better way than to relax in a warm bath with Invigorate Magnesium Bath Soak. When placed in warm water, the magnesium flakes dissolve and absorb into your skin. This is known as transdermal absorption and it is the most effective way to increase magnesium levels and target areas of pain.


Benefits of magnesium include: 

  • Helps bones absorb calcium 
  • Relieves muscle tension 
  • Speeds up recovery time 
  • Allows for a restful sleep 
  • Fights depression 
  • Can lower blood pressure 
  • Has anti-inflammatory benefits 
  • Can help with headaches and migraines 
  • Improves PMS symptoms 


We wanted to make sure our patients were using a high quality magnesium soak to enhance their recovery – so we decided to make it ourselves. 


Invigorate Magnesium Soak is made in our clinic from 100% magnesium flakes – no hidden extras or fillers.


Directions: Add approx 250gm (half this packet) to your bath – increase the dosage for a more intensive treatment or pair this with our epsom salts. Lie back and relax for at least 20 minutes. Make sure you drink plenty of water after your bath.

