Pain holding you back?

Pain holding you back? -Invigorate Health and Performance

Hey there, pain warriors! Today we’re talking about a topic that’s near and dear to many of our hearts – pain desensitisation.

It’s no secret that rehabilitation exercises can be a real pain in the…well, you know. But fear not, because there are techniques that can help reduce our pain sensitivity and make it easier to perform these exercises.

So, what exactly is pain desensitisation? Simply put, it’s the process of reducing our sensitivity to pain. When we experience pain, our nervous system sends signals to our brain that something is wrong. But sometimes, our nervous system can become over-sensitive, sending pain signals even when there’s no real threat to our body. This can make it difficult to perform rehabilitation exercises, as even the slightest movement can cause pain.

One technique for reducing pain sensitivity is soft tissue massage. This involves using a variety of techniques to manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues in our body, which can help reduce pain and tension. Studies have shown that massage can help reduce pain sensitivity in both acute and chronic pain conditions, including lower back pain and fibromyalgia.

Another technique for reducing pain sensitivity is through exercise. Yes, you read that right – exercise can actually help reduce our sensitivity to pain. When we exercise, our body releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers. Additionally, regular exercise can help improve our overall physical health, which can reduce our risk of chronic pain conditions.

But here’s the catch – in order for these techniques to work, we need to be consistent. A single massage or exercise session isn’t going to magically cure our pain. It takes time and effort to desensitise our nervous system and reduce our pain sensitivity.

In conclusion, pain desensitisation is a powerful tool for anyone dealing with chronic pain or struggling to perform rehabilitation exercises. Through techniques like soft tissue massage and regular exercise, we can reduce our pain sensitivity and improve our overall physical health. So don’t let pain hold you back – take control of your health and start desensitising that pain today!

Written by Nick Dimakis (Chiropractor)